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IR to RS232 Codes Output Table for RCV-5000 Infrared Receiver

NEC 42XM2 - 42VP4 - 42VP4D Plasma TV

Celadon Inc. 
RCV-5000  IR to RS-232 Output Table
Device: NEC 42XM2 - 42VP4 - 42VP4D Plasma TV
Infrared Remote Control: Philips PRONTO, Niles Intellicontrol
Infrared Code Format: NEC - Device ID: 7B02
Infrared Pronto Data File(s): See "IR Code Read Me - RCV-5000.txt" for complete description
Infrared Receiver: Celadon RCV-5000 Infrared to RS-232 Receiver
RCV-5000 Data File: nectv5_r.hex
Data: 9600 Baud, 8, O, 1, HEX Output
Standard Transmit and Receive pinout
NEC Plasma Command Pronto Button RCV-5000 Output 
Power ON 0 9FH,80H,60H,4EH,00H,CDH
Power OFF 1 9FH,80H,60H,4FH,00H,CEH
Input - Video1 (BNC) 2 DFH,80H,60H,47H,01H,01H,08H
Input - Video2 (RCA) 3 DFH,80H,60H,47H,01H,02H,09H
Input - Video3 (S-Video) 4 DFH,80H,60H,47H,01H,03H,0AH
Input - DVD/HD1 (RCA Component) 5 DFH,80H,60H,47H,01H,05H,0CH
Input - DVD2/HD2 (5BNC/Component) 6 DFH,80H,60H,47H,01H,06H,0DH
Input - RGB1 (15 pin HD) 7 DFH,80H,60H,47H,01H,07H,0EH
Input - RGB2 (5BNC/RGB) 8 DFH,80H,60H,47H,01H,08H,0FH
Input - RGB3 (DVI) 9 DFH,80H,60H,47H,01H,0CH,13H
Audio Mute ON 10 9FH,80H,60H,3EH,00H,BDH
Audio Mute OFF 11 9FH,80H,60H,3FH,00H,BEH
Picture - Normal 12 DFH,80H,60H,0AH,01H,01H,CBH
Picture - Theat.1 13 DFH,80H,60H,0AH,01H,02H,CCH
Picture - Theat.2 14 DFH,80H,60H,0AH,01H,03H,CDH
Picture - Default 15 DFH,80H,60H,0AH,01H,04H,CEH
Screen - Stadium 16 DFH,80H,60H,51H,01H,02H,13H
Screen - Zoom 17 DFH,80H,60H,51H,01H,03H,14H
Screen - Normal 18 DFH,80H,60H,51H,01H,04H,15H
Screen - Full 19 DFH,80H,60H,51H,01H,05H,16H
Auto Picture - ON 20 DFH,80H,60H,7FH,03H,03H,09H,00H,4DH
Auto Picture - OFF 21 DFH,80H,60H,7FH,03H,03H,09H,01H,4EH
Cinema Mode - ON 22 DFH,80H,60H,C1H,01H,01H,82H
Cinema Mode - OFF 23 DFH,80H,60H,C1H,01H,02H,83H
Celadon, Inc.
500 Tamal Plaza, Suite 520
Corte Madera, CA 94925
Sales: (415) 472-1177 x201
Main Tel: (415) 472-1177
Main Fax: (415) 472-1179

Download the Infrared (IR) Code Files for the Pronto Remotes (.ccf and .pcf)

Celadon, Inc. | 58 Paul Drive, Suite D | San Rafael, CA 94903 U.S.A. | Sales: +1 (415) 472-1177 x201 | Fax: +1 (415) 472-1179
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